Shipping & Returns
Returns Policy
You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for refund.
*30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee - Limitations and Exceptions Apply*
If you’re not satisfied with your purchase of speakers, return it in its original condition with original packaging, cables and manuals (not damaged, dents, scratches, etc) within the return period (*25 days) for a full refund excluding shipping and handling, charges applies after the 25 days of the purchase date, a 15% restocking fee would applied to the products that are return in perfect working conditions up to 30 days total of the purchase date. Speakers that are damaged would not be accepted. For shipped products buyer is responsible for shipping charges. All products comes with manufacturer warranty.
*Please contact to return financed products (affirm and sezzle), limitations would apply on this orders.
30 day Excludes: Cables, Dj equipment and mixers (unless defective on arrival).
Dj Equipment and mixers would have a 10 day return policy for refund excluding shipping and handling, a 15% restocking fee would apply on this items, most be return in original packaging (including all parts and accessories).
We can ship to US only.
Minimum order of Pro Audio equipment and accessories (Speakers, Mixers, amplifiers, signal processors, EQ's, Stands, etc) to qualify for free shipping is $49.99.
Please allow extra processing time for overweight products.(Freight)